The Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is to believe that fundamental abilities can be developed through perseverance and effort. A growth mindset is synonymous with a love of learning .
Unlike the the fixed mindset ; growth mindset believe the intelligence and talent are just tools; while the fixed mindset believe think that intelligence and talent is the core.
Here’s a simple illustration highlighting the differences between a fixed and a growth mindset:
- Avoid Challenges
- loss focus when obstacles
- when faced effort views as fruitless
- when faced criticism Ignores
- the success of other view as a threat
Personal Experiance :
I used to have a fixed mindset and I always thought that the talent and the goodluck is the onley way to success. Then I start to think in a deferent way and applied some great rules to getover that:
- View challenges as opportunities
- Acknowledge and embrace imperfections
- Try different learning tactics
- Follow the research on brain plasticity
- Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.”
After studying some success people life style I didnot found intelligence and talent common factor its the the commitment
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