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Django was originally developed at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper by Adrian Holovaty, Simon Willison, and Jacob Kaplan-Moss. The code was open-sourced in 2005 and developers immediately started making contributions to the codebase.


1.Corporate Sponsor:

A group of engineers within a larger, for-profit company decide to open-source internal code. This is how React (Facebook) and Angular (Google) emerged. While this structure has the stability of a wealthy benefactor, there can be confusion around the licensing aspects at times.


An individual developer initially creates code, open sources it, and retains default control. This is the case for VueJS, Tailwind CSS, and Laravel, among others. Typically the lead developer either raises contributions directly like Evan You of VueJS, offer add-on services like Spark for Laravel, or the founders provide highly-paid consulting services.


This was Django’s approach early on, in 2008, when the Django Software Foundation was formed to promote, support, and advance Django.

-One of the most powerful parts of Django is its automatic admin interface. It reads metadata in your models to provide a powerful and production-ready interface that content producers can immediately use to start managing content on your site.

-Django offers full support for translating text into different languages, plus locale-specific formatting of dates, times, numbers, and time zones.


Done by Omar-zoubi